GetMe Hired

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GetMe Hired MasterClass

Module 1

How to Get Know Yourself

Module 2

Job Applications

Module 3

Common Mistakes in Job Hunting

Module 4

Common Mistakes in CV/Resume

Module 5

How to Build ATS CV/Resume

Module 6

Salary Range

Module 7

How to Find High Demand Skills

Module 8

How to Build Portfolio

Module 9

How to Ace An Interview

Module 10

How to Handle Rejection

Module 11

How To Survive In Job

Module 12

How to Jump New Company

Class to build a long term career

Not just for the sake of getting any job



All the sharing based on real experience from the speaker

Know yourself

Start from knowing yourself, especially your strength and goals. 

Job Application

Ready for the interview and how to handle rejection.

Job Interview 

Ready for the interview and how to handle rejection.

Job Survival

Stay relevant in industry and how to jump for next company.